Stéphane Mouy
Président SGM Consulting Services

Stephane is a financial service industry consultant with a clear focus on identity-based solutions, such as KYC and payments.
Since setting up SGM Consulting in 2019, his clients have been financial institutions, corporates and fintech as well as regulatory authorities such as the European Commission and ETSI, the European standardisation agency. He is currently on assignment for a bigtech firm on payment-related matters for wallet-based interactions.
He worked until 2019 as a legal counsel for a leading French financial institution, first in its capital markets and M&A departments in Paris and London before joining the central legal department and became head of international legal affairs and later head of legal for the international retail banking division, covering financial services activities located in several countries. In 2015 he became head of the central IT/IP, M&A Procurement and Corporate law legal teams and has been involved in the deployment of GDPR-related processes for the group as well as in remote customer onboarding solutions making use of customer identification, KYC, strong authentication, electronic signatures and other trust services.
Stephane’s academic background is legal and financial, allowing him to tackle interrelated legal, financial, accounting and operational constraints and integrating a clear risk-mitigation dimension into problem-solving.
Stephane is a practitioner with a ‘can do’ approach and strong practical result orientation. He is also a regular speaker in conferences and seminars, making keynote presentations as well as taking part in forums and discussion panels for in digital transition and regulatory matters.
Recent conference contributions
2024 07 25 - Bundesverband deutscher Banken
Is eIDAS art. 5f2 the snowdrop announcing identity-based payments?
2024 06 06 - European Identity and Cloud Conference (Berlin)
The [Q]eAA potential for EUDI Wallets (with Michael Adams)
2024 03 26 - ID&KYC FORUM 2024
Round table : "New European regulations: what will be the impact?"
2024 02 08 - Paytech day France Payments Forum
Round table : "Identité numérique et signature électronique : quelles réponses aux nouvelles menaces?"
2023 12 07 - France Payment Forum
2023 07 13 - Hyperledger Identity Special Interest Group
Digital identities in the European regulatory environment
2023 05 11 - France Payments Forum
Participant to a round table on digital identities
2023 04 05 - ID & KYC Forum - Lille (France)
Participant to a round table on eWallets
2023 02 16 - France Payments Forum Tech day
Identités numériques et paiements - grand dérangement ou rendez-vous manqué?
2022 11 30 - TrusTech Forum
Opening the eIDAS 2.0 EUDI Wallet bonnet
2022 09 22 - France Payment Forum
EDIW - European Digital Identity Wallets eIDAS 2.0
2022 06 15 - Fido Alliance eID session
Presentation of eIDAS EUDIWs (with Michael Adams - Quali-sign)
2022 06 08 - ID&KYC Forum - Lille (France)
Participant to a round table on eWallets
2022 05 11 - European Identity & Cloud (EIC) conference - Berlin (Germany)
Towards CBDC Wallets - the eIDAS 2.0 payment-authorizing wallet (with Michael Adams - Quali-sign)
2022 04 26 - Iproov briefing event
New EU Digital ID Wallet Briefing
2022 02 17 - France Payment Forum - Plenary session - Paris (France)
eIDAS 2.0 EUDIWs - When portable identity meets payments
2021 11 30 - TrusTech forum - Paris (France)
Moderator of the 'eKYC in a digital AML environment : is KYC portability on the horizon?' session
2021 11 10 - OpenID eKYC and IDA workgroup
eIDAS 2.0 update presentation
2021 10 14 - OIX Open Identity Exchange
The new world of eIDAS 2.0 EDIWs : what it means for relying parties? presentation
2021 09 16 - Identity attributes and KYC : the transition to eIDAS 2.0 and AML
e-wallets and demonstration (eID for opening a bank account)
2021 09 11 - ID Forum round table - Lille (France)
Nouveau règlement AML et identification à distance : faut-il externaliser?
2021 07 01 go.eIDAS summit
Revised eIDAS : a new opportunity for the banking sector? presentation
2021 06 23 - Hyperledger IDWG
eIDAS 2 Digital identity wallets on the way presentation
2021 06 16 - OpenID Connect eKYC workshop
eIDAS 2.0 Digital identity wallets come into play
2021 05 13 - Alliance pour la Confiance Numérique
ETSI STF588 présentation
2020 06 26 - EBSI-ESSIF-France
eIDAS, SSIs and Blockchain : Reconciling technology and governance presentation
2019 10 03 - Third Annual Compliance and legal conference - Paris (France)
Financial crime technology trends round table
2019 01 17 - Global client onboarding for asset management
The EU Commission Expert Group eID/KYC - KYC portability
2018 11 26 - MoneyLive summit
Digital KCY - a shared future?
2018 11 22 - 2nd Digital onboarding and ID verification
Making KYC portable: distant dream or near future?
2018 10 30 - Identity live Forgerock (Idemia workshop)
Articles and publications (English)
In addition to posts regularly published on Stéphane's LinkedIn page, the following articles can be viewed:
2023 09 - The BIS Polaris Offline payment with CBDC report
Written with Michael Adams from Quali-Sign
2022 04 - The Paypers Financial Crime and Fraud Report 2022
Securing digital payments with identity wallets (with Michael Adams - Quali-sign)
2022 01 25 - Digital Identity Wallets : why the offline mode really matters
Offline mode support, often overlooked as a remote need for digital interactions, is critical for digital identity wallets, especially for payments and CBDC purposes
Articles and publications (French)
Stéphane is, together with Professor Jérome Huet and Michel Espagnon, the author of the Paiements électroniques jurisclasseur published by LexisNexis France
International organisations work
European Commission
During the last 5 years, Stéphane Mouy has worked for the EU Commission in various capacities
2022-2023 : eIDAS 2.0 EUDIW project (Digital finance use case)
His assignment focused on the eIDAS 2.0 project announced by the European Commission in June 2021 and centered around European digital identity wallets (EUDIWs), especially when used for payment interactions ('digital finance' use case).
The use case is critical for the banking/financial sector and has far-reaching implications for European payment service providers, especially for the purpose of meeting AML/CFT requirements as well as payment regulations, especially arising from the EU Second Payment Directive (itself under revision).
2020-2021 : KYC portability report
In December 2020, DG FISMA instructed SGM Consulting Services to prepare a report on 'how to develop a digital identity solution for use by the financial sector based around eIDAS trust services' for the purpose of facilitating the onboarding of customers in the financial sector.
The report was finalised in September 2021 and analyses cross-border KCY data portability within the context of the revised eIDAS proposal and contemplated AML regulation – initiatives that will have a major impact on banking services with the deployment of digital identity wallets and CDD data harmonisation. It reviews the categories of KYC attributes and discusses how European financial institutions can act as KYC data providers and receivers. In cooperation with the eWallet Network, it presents an Open Wallet proposal meeting eIDAS 2.0 requirements, including offline functionalities for payment authorisation and qualified electronic signature, as well as offering robust privacy protection. The report also compares traditional bank-led KYC portability scenarios and the emerging user-centric self-custody solution implied by digital identity wallets. It discusses governance matters for KYC data exchanges, including economic models, scheme arrangements and liability allocation provisions and sets out a number of practical recommendations aiming to offer scalability, consistency with AML/CFT requirements as well as process mutualisation for the banking industry.
Link to the report (EU Commission website) - October 2021
2018-2020 : eID/KYC Expert Group report
The Electronic Identification and Remote Know-Your-Customer processes Expert group, which Stéphane Mouy was a member of, was set up by the EU Commission and started work in April 2018. It prepared two reports finalized in December 2019 and officially received and released in February 2020.
The Expert group was instructed to assess remote onboarding processes in the European financial sector and suggest ways for portable digital KYC processes to become a reality, especially for cross-border financial services, as well as leverage the eIDAS interoperability framework.
Stéphane Mouy was the Leader of Sub-group 2 which presented and discussed an attribute-based and LoA-rated portable KYC proposal.
Link to the report (EU Commission website) - February 2020
European Telecommunication Standards Institute (ETSI)
2020 - 2021 : ETSI STF 588 - Identity proofing for trust services subjects
Stéphane Mouy was part of the 5-member Special Task Force STF 588 in charge of preparing specifications in the field of indentity-proofing for trust services. STF 588 worked on two reports published in February and July 2021

Stéphane Mouy is also a regular contributor to Groupe Revue Banque, the leading French language publication focusing on banking and financial matters.
His recent articles include the following :
Revue Banque
Issue 898 (2024-12) - Comment le règlement eIDAS2 pourrait redessiner les paiements de demain
Issue 887-8 (2024 01) - La question de l'intégration du wallet eIDAS 2 à l'écosystème des paiements reste entière
Issue 885 (2023 11) - Monnaies numériques : plus de résilience et de privacy mais plus de risques (with Michael Adams)
Issue 880 (2023 05) - KYC et identification : vers un marché unique des services financiers numériques
Issue 875-876 (2023 01) - MNBC de détail : du cash numérique pour quoi faire? (with Michael Adams)
Issue 871 (2022 09) - Identité numérique : Pourquoi un schéma national en plus du cadre européen eIDAS?
Issue 869 (2022 06) - Le Wallet, lieu de convergence du paiement et de l'identité
Issue 865 (2022 02) - Monnaie numérique de banque centrale : la Chine très loin devant
Issue 862 (2021 12) - Wallets d'identité numérique : Apple en pole position aux Etats-Unis
Issue 860 (2021 10) - Nouvelle donne annoncée dans les relations clients digitales
Issue 855 (2021 04) - Le dispositif français de vérification de l'identité à distance : entre règlementation européenne et spécifications techniques nationales
Issue 845 (2020 06) - L'identité numérique au carrefour des modèles
Issue 836 (2019 10) - Identité numérique et règles LCB-FT : une délicate conciliation
Banque et Stratégie
Issue 388 (2020 02) : Le KYC partagé bientôt une réalité?

Stéphane Mouy is also a regular contributor to France Payment Forum, a French language forum dedicated to payments
His recent articles include the following :
2023 07 - Portefeuilles d'identité numérique eIDAS 2 et paiements : big bang ou effet pschitt?